Understanding Airborne Contaminants and Air Filtration Key to Reducing Dust Allergy
Released on = August 3, 2007, 12:17 pm
Press Release Author = Brandwidth/Mandy
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Understanding the nature of airborne dust mites and how HEPA air filtration can reduce microscopic air particles is a key to managing and even reducing dust allergies in an interior space.
Press Release Body = The particles that can trigger house dust allergies are often not filtered out by non-HEPA filters.
BODY Do you still show signs of an allergic reaction even after you dust and clean the house? Then you might have a dust allergy or dust mite allergy that requires closer inspection and greater understanding of your home's interior air filtration system. That's the opinion of Pure Air Systems, an Indianapolis-based provider of HEPA Air Filtration systems.
"Many people who claim to have a house dust allergy are often surprised that their symptoms don't disappear after they give the house a good cleaning," says Pure Air Systems President, Dave Hearn. "That's because the particles in dust that often trigger dust mite allergies are smaller than the eye can see, usually 20 microns or less. And that's why HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance) air filtration is so important."
From a visual standpoint, anything seen as a film of white, grayish, or dark particles on a lighter surface constitutes dust or dust mites. Lint, dirt, carpet fibers, and dust particles are carried in from outdoors; dust and dust mites are generated by pets, children, people and cleaning products indoors. Hearn stresses that the smaller particles stay airborne even after cleaning, and therefore remain a hazard, for people with a dust allergy.
Larger contaminants like animal dander range in size from less than one to 10 microns in size and often only the smaller dander particles become airborne-these represent a particular problem that HEPA filters are specifically designed to eliminate.
"HEPA Filters are the top of the line when it comes to the highest attainable indoor air quality," Hearn adds. "Genuine HEPA filters are required to remove 99.97% of all airborne contaminants at .3 microns and smaller in the air-a performance that's generally unmatched in non-HEPA equivalent systems."
Hearn points out that it is important to keep heating and cooling system fans in operation to constantly circulate the interior air to allow the air filtration system to do its job, and assist in reducing the small particles that can trigger house dust allergies.
ABOUT Pure Air Systems has been manufacturing HEPA air filtration systems since the technology\'s infancy for both commercial and residential applications. With over 20 years in the industry, Pure Air Systems. understands that customers want high-quality HEPA air purifiers and high-quality information. Specific details regarding HEPA air filters and technology can be found on the Pure Air Systems website www.pureairsystems.com.
Web Site = http://www.pureairsystem.com
Contact Details = CONTACT Pure Air Systems 6115 Guion Road Indianapolis, IN 46254 Toll-Free: (800) 869-8025 http://www.pureairsystems.com
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